Beer Catalog
loved by thousands
At Border Brewery, our team of brewers are constantly tinkering and retooling our catalog of recipes; never satisfied with just “good enough”.
We strive to live up to our name—crafting enjoyable, tasty beer, and keep sucking less every day.

IPAs & Pales
Border Amber Ale
Our crowd-pleasing all-rounder, the Amber is a malty exemplar of the style with a surprisingly refreshing bitter finish. Affectionately referred to as the “Sofa King”, our Amber is a steadfast choice for both newbies and old regulars alike—an all-weather brew for any occasion.
Average ABV: 5.6%
Average IBUs: 27
Border Pale
The sister brew to our Amber Ale, this deep-golden Pale begins with a hint of sweetness that transitions subtly into a smooth, hoppy finish. Topped with a thick finger of creamy foam, this palate-pleasing brew drinks dangerously easily.
Average ABV: 6.3%
Average IBUs: 35
Border Imperial Pale
Bigger and bolder than our benchmark Pale, this Imperial variant has all the same characteristics – amped up to eleven! Notes of warming alcohol and hoppy spice linger past the full malty body, concluding with a dash of fragrant citrus; this delicately balanced ale fairs best in the cool nights of the early Spring & Fall.
Average ABV: 8%
Average IBUs: 50
Border SMASH! Series
No beer better showcases the brewer’s art than the humble SMASH; proving that from even the simplest ingredients can a sumptuous drink be crafted. The term SMASH is itself an acronym meaning “single malt and single hop” and these beers are brewed to the letter! The mash consists of hearty American Two-Row Barley and nothing but, while exhibiting the full aroma and flavor of a single hop of choice.
Average ABV: 6.5%
Average IBUs: 40
Border IPA
A true all-American IPA, this thirst-quenching summer ale is fashioned without any of the contrivances or untoward fragrances of today’s IPA market. Instead we aimed for a traditional taste: bitter, and then more bitter! Pairs great with our in-house barbecue or any afternoon sweltering under the hot sun.
Average ABV: 7%
Average IBUs: 80
Our apex IPA, this west coast double has been brewed at imperial strength to provide the malty backbone necessary to balance its hefty hop-load, and the bitter punch that delivers. Dry-hopped with pounds of Citra and Cascade hops, this fragrant brew is suspiciously smooth despite its daunting ABV. It’s delicious, it’s deep, it’s DANK.
Average ABV: 9%
Average IBUs: 86
Blood Orange DANK
Take our Double DANK IPA, then add a bucket-load of fresh blood oranges – what do you get? The Blood Orange DANK, of course! Taking the balanced bite of our double IPA and adding a seriously citrus-sweet finish, this all-season favorite never lasts long enough.
Average ABV: 9%
Average IBUs: 86
Another notch in our imperial-strength belt, this high-octane wheat ale drinks like a fortified New England IPA, melding the flavors of sweet pear with the tangy bitterness of grapefruit and lemon above a daunting, yet hidden, ABV. Slight notes of coriander, bread and banana tie together the full body that completes this pleasant IPA.
Average ABV: 9%
Average IBUs: 30
New England IPA
Claiming the title as our most-revised recipe, we constantly strive to improve upon this hazy, refreshing all-season IPA. Bearing the juicy aromas of grapefruit and pineapple, coupled with bright citrus notes, this IPA practically flies off the shelves, so get it while you can!
Average ABV: 6.6%
Average IBUs: 55
Red’s Rye IPA
Named after the legendary Border bartender of yore, this complex brew holds the crown as having the most complex flavor profile among our many IPAs. A deep amber color and rocking an off-white cap, this rollercoaster starts with its medium malty robustness, washing away into the fruity spice of the Rye, and finishing with a pungent dose of zesty hop-bitters.
Average ABV: 6.8%
Average IBUs: 114
Pepper’s Jalapeńo IPA
Ranked among our most favorite beers off the tap, the full aroma of fresh-cut jalapeńo peppers assails the heedless drinker – yet hidden below this blazing bouquet is only a mild heat, lingering past the earthy notes of lemongrass and straw. Named after Pepper, the much beloved Border-Collie from whom we take our name, this mind-bending brew is worth giving a chance – it just may become your favorite too!
Average ABV: 7.5%
Average IBUs: 50
Light Ales & Easy-Drinking
Extra Special Bitters
Light and bready, this crisp English-style pub ale is designed for all-day drinking, with a mildly malty chew that belies its golden-straw color. Notes of spicy hops shine at the finish, but serve to complement rather than overwhelm the experience. Marked as a brewer’s favorite!
Average ABV: 4.7%
Average IBUs: 15
Dum-Dum Light
At Border Brewery we strive to provide something for everyone – even the folks who don’t care for the convoluted obscurities of craft beer! Drinking as smooth as the lightest macro-brewed lagers, this humble Golden Ale is the offering of choice for those hard-working men and women who just want a beer.
Average ABV: 4.2%
Average IBUs: 20
Sixer Light
A standout among our catalog, the Sizer is the only ale to prominently feature Six-Row Barley in the grist, as opposed to its more conventional Two-Row cousin. As a result this hazy Golden Ale has an unmistakably unique flavor that dominates its smooth-drinking body.
Average ABV: 4.5%
Average IBUs: 12
50/50 Ale
A cross-continental experiment, this savory Pale Ale divides its hop schedule and grist between American and English varieties, producing a balanced product that divines slightly toasted notes of biscuit and subtly tart green apple beneath a highly-attenuated dry body.
Average ABV: 6.5%
Average IBUs: 24
Wheat Beers
Teabag Wheat
Styled after crisp Bavarian witbiers, this hazy wheat sports a thick, frothy head atop its creamy white core, from which herbal scents allure. The sweet body carries notes of cloves and coriander, finishing with an herbaceous burst of strawberry and piquant tea.
Average ABV: 4.5%
Average IBUs: 15
A swarthy German staple, this toasty malt-forward brew hits with cocoa and cloves at the fore, followed by light caramel and bread-crust flavors. Creamy and especially effervescent, this Fall & Winter brew pairs with chilly nights and good company.
Average ABV: 5%
Average IBUs: 20
Winter Wheat
A drink for Saint Nick himself, this strong wheat ale is sure to redden some cheeks with its warming alcohol buzz to its spicy notes of cinnamon and nutmeg rounding out the sweet malty center.
Average ABV: 9%
Average IBUs: 38
Brown Ales
Sticky Paw Brown
The first beer ever conceived at Border Brewery, this hearty American Brown delivers caramel, chocolate, and subtle hints of coffee wrapped within a surprisingly full-bodied package. Hop bitterness is minimal, with touches of fig and floral spice complimenting the malt-centric draught.
Average ABV: 6.5%
Average IBUs: 24
Pecan Brown
The velvety-smooth compliment of the Sticky Paw, this nutty Brown Ale has the complexity of delectable pecan pie: the subtleties of brown sugar and bitter molasses paired with pecan, hazelnut, and fig. Like all of our Browns this beer is full-bodied and robust, yet differs with a surprisingly hoppy bite at its finish to prevent the syrupy-sugars from overwhelming.
Average ABV: 6.5%
Average IBUs: 25
Honey Paw Brown
Most nearly compared with the English Browns south of the River Thames, this ale is similarly stout as the Sticky Paw yet trades much of its caramel and chocolate overtones for honey, raison, and the earthy notes of English Fuggle hops.
Average ABV: 6.8%
Average IBUs: 20
Porters & Stouts
Chocolate Stout
A rich and voluminous Imperial Stout, this famously hefty malt-bomb has a syrupy mouthfeel; as though drinking pitch-black cold brew with a shot of creamy Kahlua and hot cocoa. Hops are utilized only to balance the body, and keep the fashionably low-attenuating brew semi-sweet.
Average ABV: 9%
Average IBUs: 35
Peanut Butter Stout
Sweet yet not sweet, boozy yet not burning, our second (and most popular) Imperial Stout is a mind-warp of creamy peanut butter and bitterly dark chocolate that produces a delectable dessert-style beer.
Average ABV: 10%
Average IBUs: 35
Vanilla Bourbon Oak Stout
Tall, dark, and stormy only begins to describe the complex arrangement of vanilla, bourbon and tangy oak that play over the dry-coffee and cocoa of this Imperial Stout. Hints of earthy spice and caramel linger at the edges, with the warming flush of alcohol concluding this crème de la crème of heavenly dark beers.
Average ABV: 9.5%
Average IBUs: 35
Oatmeal Stout
Notes of toffee, bitter black coffee, and breakfast oatmeal dominate this moderate dark beer, fashioned to be an appreciable substitute to our dizzying array of Imperial Stouts.
Average ABV: 6%
Average IBUs: 30
Border Porter
A distinctly dry, yet not mouth-puckering so, Porter ale that strikes the characteristics of black coffee and bittersweet cocoa, with a subtle roasted hints of smoky tobacco.
Average ABV: 5.4%
Average IBUs: 35
Maple Porter
Beginning with the unmistakable scent of New Hampshire maple syrup, this sweeter-style Porter delivers on its promise with a mouthful of delightfully autumnal flavors before dissolving into notes of toffee, dried stonefruit and caramel.
Average ABV: 5.4%
Average IBUs: 35
Belgian-Style Ales
Monk’s Bread
A Trappist Patersbier made from Belgian Pilsen malt and naught but the most miniscule of hop additions, this delicately sparkling beer drinks like a dry champagne. Without much in the way of hops, you might expect little – yet this style proves the great impact that yeast has upon beer’s flavor. Subtle floral and herbal notes can be found in the aroma and finish, reminiscent of apples, pears, and wildflowers.
Average ABV: 5%
Average IBUs: 0
Belgian Pale
Styled in spirit after a Trappist Dubbel, making use of ancient yeast strains endemic to the brewers’ of Catholic abbeys has transformed our Imperial Pale Ale into a sweet, low-attenuating treat that bears the essence of plum, raisons, and the warming touch of bourbon liquor.
Average ABV: 8%
Average IBUs: 35
Quad Strong
Marrying the Trappist Quadrupel with the boisterous American Strong Ale has produced a true tour de force; the apex of our craft. The tempting fragrances of pear, stonefruit, and caramel swirl above this deep, rich draught, whose body below tastes thick as molasses, with the flavors of unabashed alcohol and sweet malts.
Average ABV: 10.75%
Average IBUs: 28
Vienna Saison
By chance we had an excess of Vienna malt on hand, and thus this singularly mellow, fragrant farmhouse ale was devised. Fruity and effervescent, with notes of apricot, plum, and the trace of sweet caramel, this Saison exhibits characteristics reminiscent of the style without being too vinous as to make it unpalatable.
Average ABV: 7.5%
Average IBUs: 25
Spiced Ales & Other
Pumpkin Ale
Always brewed in time for Halloween, this restrained ale hits the mark for its style without overwhelming. Motes of pumpkin compliment brown sugar sweetness and creamy body; the whole gamut of pumpkin pie spices completing the picture.
Average ABV: 7.3%
Average IBUs: 24
Winter Warmer
Crafted somewhere between an Imperial Stout and a Strong Ale, this mouthy, malty brew is dominated by its aggressive spice profile where allspice, cinnamon, and nutmeg take the fore. The restrained hint of spruce completes this Christmastime specialty.